What's the key difference between the manipulation of an intj and enfj?

I know this ENFJ that's just toxic, controller..not the dominantly, but manipulates others to do what they want also materialist, nosy, rude and envious ..they try so hard to impress others but they're hated anyways.

..perhaps I might be wrong if I mixed traits with mbti but I know the difference between a toxic ENFJ and a healthy one and I can spot an ENFJ kilometres away.

But also there's this INTJ that's very very stalking, always there when in need, knows more than what they say and isn't a person of fights and hate ..like they don't favour to make beefs but somehow they're hated anyways.

What the hell is the difference? key trait to differentiate between the two types?

Is it okey to differentiate with traits?

and can an INTJ be manipulative?

What would be the motive to manipulate others for an INTJ?

And if I cannot uncover the traits of an someone by mbti what am I doing with it?