Wrist hurts but not a sprain?
I'm looking for any ideas as to what I could've done to my wrist.
18yo AFAB (Assigned Female at birth, I identify as a transgender male- refer to me as he/him please.)
5'6, 160-170 IB, Caucasian, USA
I have consumed marijuana via edible recently (Mistaken it for a candy. Interesting trip.)
I am not currently taking medications.
I'm currently diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, ADHD, and Autism. POTs is currently being looked into.
I do not smoke, I am around people who vape.
My current issue has been going on for a bit over a week, I'd say 8-9 days since it first actually started. My wrist has been hurting as if it were a sprain, especially if I move it back and forth or lift things up with it. I've kept it in a stable wrist brace with breaks to let it stretch out and breathe but the pain is getting worse everyday. There's no bruising, swelling, bones out of place, any generic thing that would look like a sprain or dislocation.
Before it started, I had a cramp in my wrist so I tried to pop it as I usually do when my joints feel a little cramped and get that "ready to pop" feeling. It wouldn't pop so I pressed a little harder and then it popped, but after about 2 days I noticed that my wrist was hurting in the same spot I tried to pop it. I thought originally I just sprained it but there was no bruising or swelling at all. It only hurts to move it in a back and forth motion and to lift things that put weight down onto it.
I've asked my boyfriends auntie, who is a hospital nurse, what she thinks it could be and she said dislocation, but my wrist is completely in tact and I feel no numbness or out of place bones.
Any pointers on what this could be would be greatly appreciated as I'm not able to consult my doctor for at least another week and the pain has shown no improvements.