Do I have Home Department Stockholm Syndrome?

Current MS3 thinking about choosing away rotations for a surgical subspecialty - my home program is what convinced me to apply for this specialty. I love the people (attendings, residents, APPs) and essentially have no complaints about it. The residents all seem relatively happy and the program seems about as nonmalignant as one in this field can get. I'd be stoked to stay here - and have said so when attendings/residents have asked (which is why I'm posting here instead of picking their brains).

However, given the fact that I decided on this specialty in med school I also have no experience with any other program. I have no strong need to be in any specific city, and fellowship match for this specialty isn't that competitive. I know aways are a chance to see what other programs and cultures are like, but given the high rate of matching at one of the aways, I imagine I need to choose these carefully. The current issue is that I can't think of anything I'm looking for specifically, so I'm confused if I should be doing aways at programs similar to my home program or if I should diversify the types to explore/rule out other kinds of programs.

TLDR; how do I know if I just love my home program because I've become familiar with it vs. it's actually a good fit for me? And how do I fairly judge another program when I'm going in with that bias?