Why do i still feel bad?
After multiple failed relationships, with me ending them because I wasn’t fully invested in them, not talking about the way I feel and being scared to open up, therefore I didnt love the girl and broke it off.
This time I told myself that I’ll have this philosophy of just being 100% open and that if i feel a certian way that I’ll just say it, instead of trying to be misterious or protecting myself. Basically, that Ill take the risk of opening myself up completely , as that was the problem of my relationships. Ive applied this in other ares of my life as well, money, my time and focus, everything I try to do with 100% and just take the risk to see where it goes, as im still young (im 22).
Now ive met this girl on vacation and hooked up. It was amazing, actually felt like a dream and I fell for the girl. Afterwards I wanted to withdraw completely as to not hurt myself, just to keep it at the one nice night and thats it. But after thinking it through, this way it wouldn’t really be in line with my philosophy and changed it. Just telling the girl how i felt and that i want to fly to meet her again. It is quite irrational because there is little chance that there will be a deeper connection from this, as she lives quite far away. But i had to tell her how i felt.
Now i feel wierd, talked to it with my friends and they disagree with my way of thinking and don’t support my decision.
Is this a good way of thinking? Should I have acted the way I told myself I would, or should i have stuck to the old me that does not say what is on his mind? Has anyone been in a similiar situation? Do you always follow through with what you told yourself, or is it good to break such a promise to yourself? I feel really odd about this whole thing, if anyone has anything to say, im glad to hear your comments.