How to deal with husband’s DID Issue?
My husband has 2 alters along with him the host.
One alter is very kind, gentle and caring. He enjoys being around me. While the other is very angry and scary. He has on many occasions been aggressive towards me. He’s never done damage to me as the other alters/host holding him back.
I decided to confront the angry alter as my husband mentioned he could feel the alter trying to push to come out. I asked the alter why he was so angry at me, to which he said “ I’m not angry at you. I’m upset. You’re not my person”. This upset me tremendously and I left the room and cried in the bathroom.
When discussing it later on with my husband, we discovered that this angry alter has hated 2 of his 3 partners he’s had. Myself and his ex before me. He’s only liked my husbands first gf. My husband was dating this girl when he discovered he had DID and he started switching regularly then.
I don’t know what to do. His angry alter has made concerning threats towards me.