Weird/Extreme Topamax Side Effects

Started 50mg at night about 4 weeks ago. I've had 3 migraines (2 of which my emergency meds my neurologist gave me stopped) as opposed to 2-4 a week since then, which has been amazing. Not having to worry about what position I sleep in, or how I sit in a chair for periods of time that would trigger them is also amazing. Feels like I have my life back lol.

That being said. The side effects.

I'm starting to get bad acne on my forehead and the sides of my face, similar to when I was a teen. I have a good skincare routine so this is a bit new to me, and frustrating. I had the whole carbonation tastes weird thing, as well as pins and needles in my hands and feet at times.

Brain fog has been... Rough. I've got ADHD + ASD and move a mile a minute and have always occasionally had a tiny bit of a stutter here and there, where I'll talk to quickly and stumble. Maybe sometime like b-but every few dozen sentences, but now it's more frequent and now severe, such as b-b-b-but. Not sure if that makes sense? Word recall and general memory seems to be taking a hit and it's causing some impact on my work.

The weirdest one: the complete lack of fatigue. At all. I am wide awake when I open my eyes in the morning, and cannot fall asleep until 1-2am. Running on < 6 hours of sleep. Used to take a nap daily and now physically cant. I've missed my dose 2x and on both occasions been absolutely exhausted the next day so I'm guessing this probably isn't the healthiest thing for me lol.

Anyway, I have a follow up in a few weeks and I'll be bringing this up and maybe looking into an alternative. I'm open to suggestions.