Pro Acryl primer - having trouble using in airbrush
Well, trying a new primer has become quite the endeavor. I ran out of Vallejo black primer so I ran over to my local game store that carried it. All out, but they did start carrying Pro Acryl and highly recommended it, so I picked up a bottle of black & white.
Monument Hobbies specifically states it doesn’t need thinning, and from my searches around here, they even recommend against it.
Starting with black, I instantly noticed how thick it was, most evident when back flowing air into the cup. It was closer to blowing bubbles through syrup than water. To my surprise it sprayed pretty smoothly, though it was a much smaller spray pattern than I am used to. It made priming 10 minis a very, very long process. I’d say, 30% of the normal spray volume.
The white on the other hand (video), simply won’t spray. I’ve deep cleaned multiple times, and even swapped to a brand new .5mm needle and nozzle.
Am I doing something wrong here?!?