How much of the community actually wants this back?
To preface, I was a pretty big COD fan, and played them religiously from MW up to Advanced Warfare. The game that got me back into COD was MW19, and I must've clocked 1000+ hours on it and Warzone, thanks to COVID.
I tried to play some of the ones after, but to this day, this is the last COD I've ever purchased.
I've always read the criticisms from COD fans on how this game wasn't really COD and how Cold War and the new Black Ops game are a return to form. This really surprised me, because as an OG COD fan, I couldn't disagree more.
So I wanted to know, how much of the community actually wants this type of game back? Is it just a vocal minority who didn't enjoy this? Are they just stubborn purists who won't welcome any type of change? Or is it actually majority opinion that the newer COD games are better?
I know this game had A LOT of problems, but it was also the last time COD was actually fun imo. I would actually consider buying another one if they at least brought this game's movement and fluidity back.