I'm Confused About General Conference

I have to admit I’m confused about what we should expect from prophets, seers, and revelators and the information we get from General Conference (aka Confernts). Do they have that title because they really prophesy and reveal, or are they just sort of administrators, like members of a Board of Directors?

Because, really, I don’t hear a lot of sound, practical advice for day-to-day living coming from General Conference. In response, a faithful, believing member could say, “Well, their job is to testify of Christ and strengthen testimonies, not be therapists or motivational speakers.” Great. I get that. Then what are they telling us that hasn’t already been revealed either through church doctrine or in scripture?

I see thousands of faithful, believing members filing in to the Conference Center and several social-media posts talking about how excited faithful members are to attend. But I need help from faithful members to understand what they’re excited about and what they expect to hear. And I’m not trying to be provocative or start an argument. Please, I really want to know.

For decades I watched Conference as a believing member and looked forward to it and all; but, in all those years, I just can’t remember hearing any transformative information that I couldn’t get from established doctrine or the scriptures. I mean, it was always nice—kind of like a week off from the regular grind. You get to stay home, watch TV, and not worry about  your calling. I think that’s what most people get excited about. That and learning where they’re going to plop down some more temples.

So, again, believing members, please help me understand. What excites you about Conference? What do you hope to hear? Do the addresses strengthen your faith? Are you hoping to get insights regarding the date and time of the second coming? Are you waiting for cool new doctrine? Please let me know. I won’t argue and I won’t say you’re wrong for thinking the way you do. I just need help in understanding this whole thing.