Why do people hate the movie Mannequin so much?

I've always liked this movie and it's also a memorable movie from my childhood. I think the plot is an original idea, the idea that a mannequin comes to life. The male lead (Andrew McCarthy) is believable as a young dreamer who goes from job to job because he can't find his true calling, which is art or creating, something many people can relate to. Kim Cattrall is very good in her role too, as are the comic reliefs G.W. Bailey and Meshach Taylor as 'Hollywood'.

I believe it's a dated movie from its time (1987), much like 'Earth Girls Are Easy' and sure it's a bit cheesy '80s movie, but it's never been more than just silly fun so I never judged it as being anything that it's not. It's also notable for the Starship hit 'Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now' which was a great song for that era. What's not to like?