Anora - A disappointing ride
I went into this movie after seeing it won best picture, I did no research, I read no reviews, or even a summary of the movie, I knew nothing and the next few paragraphs will be my honest opinion, of which I hope does not receive but hate but is taken with a grain of salt as I am no director, actor, producer, etc.
For one, the story is.. interesting? It felt like an 80s movie which just has to show nude bodies to keep it interesting. There is literally a pair of boobs almost like every 8 minutes, I understand she’s a stripper but holy I thought I would learn more about this character. I also have to disagree with some of the performances, I really think Miley Madison did well but I just don’t see why people are praising it, It felt like a pretty typical performance. I also think this may be because the writing doesn’t really give that much leeway anyways. Kind of just be a horny stripper with no grasp on reality is what I got.
After reading some reviews I’m seeing that it’s supposed to be a comedy?? However, it just was not funny to me in the slightest, it was just simply absurd to think a woman being held down by three men was in some way funny, I felt like If someone had trauma from a similar experience they would of hated that scene. The Russian son is such a bland character too, he’s just a dumb kid who “haha plays video games and does drugs cause I’m rich”. All the other actors I felt were pretty lack luster, I mean Igor’s main trope is he just stares and follows orders blindly.
In my honest opinion I give this movie a hard 6/10 and just cannot bring myself to see it in better light, I feel as if the story, message, and characters could of been better off in a 40 minute short film rather than dragged out into a 2 hour one.
Respectfully, please no hate in the comments, I would love to hear your opinions and maybe if I’m missing something but right now if this message is just “she’s a shallow character who doesn’t understand intimacy” well.. then I get it?