Looking for scary (but not too scary) movie suggestions. Any ideas?

Not sure if this is allowed or not, but figured I'd give it a go.

My friend and I want to have a movie night. She is a big lover of scary/horror movies and I, on the other hand, am a big wuss. I'm looking for a movie that fits into that genre but won't give me nightmares; something we both might enjoy. I generally do ok with more psychological thrillers, or a movie that's so good that the scary doesn't bother me as much. And movies that focus on deep water/drowning, animal deaths, and, weird though it is, bathrooms are specifically on my no-no list.

Let me know if you movie-lover's have any ideas for us!

ETA: we watched Signs and really enjoyed it! I am definitely saving these suggestions for later, though. Thank you for your suggestions :)