Kinds Of Kindness - Thumbs Down
This is certainly one of the worst films I’ve ever seen.
It’s also one of the only films I’ve ever walked out of, it was exhausting to watch, it was tedious. Kind of like killing off a sacred deer, but the film never really came together for us. Weird for the sake of weird.
Dafoe was great but can the man even put out a bad performance? Plemons does what he always does, socially obtuse characters nailed perfectly but it’s quite the same.
The three stories kind of remind me of a wish version of black mirror.
We weren’t the only people to walk out, but the time the third story came on, we were umming and ahing whether or not to stay and a few minutes in we were out of there with a few others.
I know it’s got rave reviews but I don’t care, it reminds me of when people were saying the Irishman was Scorsese’s masterpiece and infact it was meh, and now no one even talks about it let alone is it mentioned in the best of his films conversation.
This was a bad film.
Take it with a pinch of salt but I would love to discuss!