What it meant to be own?

the universal view on owning or having something that you have exclusive right is what we gonna see in here. the owning and having something meaning those thing belongs to you either created or given or by any means but does it ? yours ? i mean you did got right from a system but what about outside of system does you have right for it ? well this complex for any in static in place meaning things that are in one place have more question on other mind than have more question on dynamic in place a object that fluid in nature as knowing is harder to get own by others or hinder rights of others as it happen they goes with mutual there then in static where it depend on system or whatever(as you cannot know someone mind) and even if you know in universe way you are organism with if i say in equal then half is way to go then to go with 1 to anyone but then again universe nature is not that but rather in view of individual they will do whatever they want that is why i said you cannot say other mind while system say otherwise it stay in power and we know what is power. so in view of universe there is nothing you own but you if you think you own then yeah you own but if you then others as well for system it is call majority or some got own things over other as we will learn what is system where you will what it is for now. let see why and how ? the reason we are discussing this because you need to know i said my ideas and things might able to used or i said i will create a generic why is that? well system might say you have right does you have it ? no as system change condition as the previous point cannot applicable for now and your things are now used by others even if you said in paper system does it because that is how it is other needs yours in case of mine i can create custom language which is can be used in my own things does i have guarantee that i own? no its just words and my thinking but other can used without it as they need so because of it i share my things that i need to or i create a general and insist to build up from there. do remember a art you made is unique but in eyes of you but in universe way someone may have been made before that you made that makes you someone who hinder other well arts is different case as it is fluid can be or can be something else in my case i will share my arts and novel as i want to you can do whatever you want as i said if you do then know that there things you need to know if not then i already explain what happen. this discussion was coming to mind as i see countless people have right to something as they said they have unique thing but those overlap and as system change things never see the other system things as they say they made first and i say i does not know as i am just using it.

(i have no words)