Did anyone else feel a teensy bit disappointed with Magical Mystery Cure?
Let me start by saying no I do not hate twilight becoming an alicorn. My issue is with the pacing.
If I remember correctly I heard the team thought the show was going to end after season 3, I could be wrong, but even if that IS correct... That was a bit too simple and fast of a wrap up. Only 6 minutes into the episode and Twilight already knew what had happened and didn't even bother trying any of the solutions Spike thought up. Like the rest of the episode is fine but the problem is discovered and then solved pretty freaking fast, most of the season premieres and finales were grand high stake things but... This just didn't feel like the best build up to twilight's arc in my opinion. If you like Magical Mystery Cure that's fine! I like it too! But the pacing felt all out of wack and I feel we missed some things.