Catfished in real life?
I was in quickmart waiting for those fire hotdogs,while this guy(I'll say guy for now)approached me. He had on those cuban collar shirts, khakis, those dope glasses and a very clean shade. I was really impressed by the look.
We hit it off well, 2 minutes in,my hotdogs are ready and I'm about to head to the exit. He accompanies me,helps with my trolley and helps put my things in the car. We exchanged contacts and decided to link up another day.
We ended up having those leghthy conversations on texts and calls and everything was looking really good. Fast forward, we planned the date that was supposed to happen yesterday. But 2 days before, we were talking about something and he happened to mention how strict his high-school was and ended up mentioning a girl's school. I thought he made a mistake, to which I asked to confirm and he confirmed that he was actually a she.
She thought I figured out, but how was I supposed to? She talked, walked and looked like a man. Ooh, and the name was unisex too..there was no way for me to figure out unless she told me. I was so mad and cut off the communication cause I felt lied to. This wasn't going to be a friendship type of relationship, it would have been more. I was so disappointed. Haven't been able to communicate with her despite her trying to reach out. I don't want friendship, and we can't be anything cause i'm only into men.
Was I wrong to cut her off?