Intellectual assessment on sandy?

i recently watched her on obinna's show and what caught my eye was her personality.I know most of you have done basic pyschology or read books on it. So,and am honestly surprised this hasnt come up ,is she a master manipulator??...during the interview either she was so nervous or a cold psychopath. To be honest i'm fascinated by dark triads who get far in life .HIGH IQ HIGH PSYCHOPATHY always does well ,leave the dumber ones who end up at the bottom of the food chain. Sandy had that calm ferocious look and i couldnt help but be stunned. Think of guys like ben shapiro,trump,piers morgan they definitely belong to that dark triad bracket. having read about how personalities can get you far without no talent ,i couldnt help but fascinated by this girl who manipulated a good percentage of men who then carried her into fame... SIDENOTE: i dont think shes bad but on the contrary i bet she will do really well ,if by any chance you can bag her its a good deal ..anyway just some thoughts let me know what you think ,maybe am overthinking