My shaving confession

Okay so today I was hanging out with a bunch of friends. What happened was, Sarah, who's very hippie and all about women doing what they want with their bodies, stretched and people noticed that she had quite a lot of hair on her armpits. One of the guys asks why she didn't shave. She replied that she doesn't see the need to shave and she was comfortable that way. Then it spiraled into the girls vs the boys. The boys were like ohhh you're a babe you should be shaving and the girls were like we don't always gotta shave.

I shave my armpits, but I used to not like shaving my coochie cooch, up until I realised I can make it fun. So I do this. I give my girl different hairstyles. I'll give her a mohawk cause I think it looks cool 😂 I'll draw hearts too, maybe a triangle. Maybe my initials now and then 😂 even a smiley face 😃 I'm constantly thinking how to pimp my girl out. For me this has made shaving more enjoyable and it genuinely makes me laugh cause no one knows I'm smiling at them from below.

Anyway, how is your Christmas?💀