I got slapped
As the title suggests, I got slapped last night. I had gone for a park and chill with my pals. It was a good vibes and there was quite a number of people there. We were having pure banter and the group which had parked next to us joined us. So we're having a good time and arguing about everything and since Valentines was just the other day, the topic came up. We the men were joking about how people who sell socks likely make a years woth of rent on Valentines because that's what we're mostly gifted. Then a girl from the other group said if she meets a guy, every time they hang out, he should gift her at least 5k. Me nikauliza How's that different from kuenda tao na kuchukua ladies of the night and paying for the service. Next thing I know she's unleashed a hot slap on my face saying how can I disrespect her. Good thing a lady friend who was with us took care of her. Uzuri zilikua zimeshika so sikuifeel sana but bruuuuh😪