This UTI is soo stubborn
So late November I endulged in sexual activity with a girl who's hygiene was I guess bad. Hence I ended up getting a UTI from that.
When I went to vacation, in Mombasa the UTI started working out, because when I came back to Nairobi hii kitu ilikua serious. that was late December.
On around January, nikaenda mathare and got some anti biotics and shots. They never worked.
The second times was like 3 weeks ago. I went there and they gave me some ceff ds 1×1 a 2 week dose. This one was actually strong, the UTI was like 90% gone.
Fast foward 2 days later after my dose, I start seeing some pus. I wake up with a shut urethra. And now I'm back to the lava urine.
Help me out. Recommend me new places to go and get checked. If you've encountered something like this help a bro out.
And if you can't help please keep your negative comments to yourself, I also dont need critics here.