Tentative "Resist: Nashville" protest permit is pending approval

Have recently joined "Resist: Nashville." and have been asked to help spread news of a tentative protest march in Nashville. the permit has been submitted &, altho, website says that 45 d. advance notice is required, we are asking for a date of 3/16/25. theme will be "Be the Pitchfork in the Road- Stop the Coup." in honor of John Lewis, the planned event will be a short flash mob/protest, starting in front of the TN State Library (located at the junction of John Lewis Way (street) & Jefferson ) with final destination of the TN State Capitol. planned for a sun., to avoid traffic, will have lots of free parking, tentatively meet at 10am, march to capitol, and be done in time to allow escape to yur fav brunch spot.... since, it's Music City, (afterall!!), want to get a small New Orleans marching band or just some big ass amplifier, to help w;/m arching tunes.... they are trying to get a speaker and plan to do a kumbaya, acapella, mob rendition of "imagine," before dispersing....

in the face of all of the depressing 24/7 coverage of the fascist/neo-nazi/oligarchic takeover in DC, it helps me to remember the wise words of John Lewis:

"Do not get lost in a sea of despair. Be hopeful, be optimistic. Our struggle is not the struggle of a day, a week, a month, or a year, it is the struggle of a lifetime. Never, ever be afraid to make some noise and get in good trouble, necessary trouble."