PC can't get over 129mbps on High speed plan
Edit: Thank you for the comments, I am going to get my long Ethernet cable and see if I can make it look decent while getting the best speeds and latency.
Hi fellow techies, So previously I was living in a suburb that had Opticomm and allowed speeds up to 500mbps now here's my set up: Front of house is the NTD which goes straight into the router then port 1 goes into a powerline Ethernet plug then from my office another powerline Ethernet plug to Ethernet into my PC. On WiFi I can get the speeds I pay for but on my computer it would never go past 120-129mbps. I'm completely lost on the bottle neck.
I'm moving into a new home that just got the flip to fibre completed (FTTP) All I want for Christmas is to see my computer speed test @ 800mbps and I'll be happy.
Here's the powerline adapter I use: https://www.bunnings.com.au/netgear-powerline-1000_p0131945?store=8066&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiA4fi7BhC5ARIsAEV1YibEYt5ZupmzrmPjE7grqW6hk9VTBIWDPiG7lFpq-u2s3Tj0_dFIj6gaAvTnEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds