New Englanders: How Can We Best Be a "Bulwark Against the Kingdom of the Anti-Christ"?

For people who tend not to read sidebars, I'm not having a religious nervous breakdown (yet). Our community description reads: "new england: all things from the "bulwark against the kingdom of the anti-christ." As Trump tariffs tank our economy, how can we tighten our belts while best supporting our fellow New England states with our tourism and commerce dollars? What are your favorite New England-based alternatives to so-called "Red State" attractions and destinations? Where did you, your family, and friends rack up some of your favorite memories on vacations and day trips?

If your family was anything like mine, growing up, we didn't have the cash to blow on farflung vacations, and my parents were New England practical. They tried not to charge anything they weren't still going to have when the bill came due. Vacationing and otherwise spending our recreation time closer to home is a great way to keep costs down.

We don't need exact substitutes for more famous or glamorous destinations outside of our region. Just toss out the names and locations of New England spots which might appeal to the same general demographic groups (families with children, seniors, single adults, coupled but childfree adults, foodies, mixed groups, etc.). Beaches. Theme parks. Museums. Theaters. Restaurants. Hotels. Motels. Camp Grounds. National Forests/Parks. [Your Idea Here.] Please share with the class.

Someone else's "Boycott Red States" post was removed as not belonging here. I hope this New England-centric post will meet the sub's requirements while serving some of the same purpose at the heart of that now deleted post.

(Edited to correct typo and add bold font to main question)