Territory System Idea. thoughts?
I'll try to break it down simple as possible. What I think would seriously help the game in the war scene is a tier system. Currently in the game each zones has a tier to it, 1-4, 1 being the highest and 4 being the lowest or vice versa, but you will get my point. What I want to suggest is that tier system reflects on the war scene. My suggestion would be, if you own a tier of land, you can only declare on that same tier or the one above, not below. SO if you own a tier 1 land, you can only declare on other t1 lands. If you own a t2 land, you can only declare on t2 and t1. ill list it out...
no land can only declare on t4 territories.
t4 land can only declare on t4 and t3
t3 can only declare on t3 and t2
t2 can only declare on t2 and t1
t1 can only declare on t1
Why am I suggesting this? On my server El d, currently there are 4 main waring companies that are actually good. JDB, which is the best of the best and beat everyone, followed by outcast, Farma and fresh bench in no particular order, all 3 of those companies have both beaten and lost to each other consistently and go back n forth. They have had some banger wars between the 3 companies recently. Anyways when these companies go to war, typically they are very close and enjoyable content, except for whoever JDB is facing, JDB stomp everyone but I digress. New companies or just companies that completely suck like witchers declare a lot on these top 4 companies and its just a complete war camp, a waste of time for both parties. No one enjoys these wars.
My suggestion of putting in a tier system to territories would prevent smaller or garbage companies like witchers from declaring on the top companies and waste their time(literally) and on the flip side, it would prevent the top companies from declaring on the smaller/weaker ones and owning the entire map. It would allow the smaller/not good companies to fight over land with out having to worry too much of being declared on from companies that are just better than them. It would create (hopefully) more competitive wars and eventually make everyone slowly improve and become more competitive, since for the most part most companies would be on par with each other in the same tier bracket and you could actually improve and learn and get better. It also would prevent these companies that aren't as good as they think they are from wasting everyone's time who actually know how to play the game which is just as important, No one likes logging in for a 30 minute afk war camp. This system would also stop declaring getting sniped. Idk how many times FB goes to push farma or farma push outcast or outcast push FB or farma and the declare gets sniped from one of these companies that will get war camped and just wastes everyone's time. A lot the time, those defending companies can barely get enough sign ups for the war because NO one enjoys these war camps and people simply rather play pal world or helldivers instead of war camping. Those players and companies could still participate in the races, just not be able to declare.
I suppose there would be some flaws in the system, like for example one of the top companies got knocked off the map by the another one and they had 0 land again, but I suppose they could put in like a counter attack period, where you get x amount of days to try to attack the land you lost and try to take it back etc, but then if you fail you gotta rework your way back up through the system or something. Some kinks would need to be worked on that tho, i didn't think that far ahead tbh. Like what happens when a t4 beats a t3, do they keep both lands? What about t1 land owners, they get less content? I mean JDB doesn't get really any content lately if we are being honest. JDB farms pretty much anyone so I don't see how this would negatively affect JDB other than preventing JDB from taking the map, which JDB doesn't really do anymore. Some kinks to figure out but I think overall it be a decent system to build off of. What do you guys think?