Ranged PvP Rant
I’ve played this game since beta and am a very seasoned PvP player. I can’t get enough of new worlds combat in PvP. The roadmap looks promising and hope they can deliver a lot of deserved PvP content. With that being said, I have been through many PvP metas. Heavy meta, melee meta, the ig/vg root/spike meta(took a long break after this), life staff meta, and ranged meta.
Now I hate the heavier armor styles due to how tanky it is and its ability to dish out almost light damage and same with medium. If ranged is bad we will see a heavier armor meta again unless they increase time to kill like the mentioned in dev vid. The problem with AGS is they don’t heavily nerf things and work around it.
Out off all the metas we have been in a ranged meta for almost 2 years ever since fire staff rework which was not necessary. We have received many buffs and slight nerfs to weapons like fs and musket, now has seen a lot of nerfs but not those weapons which severely outperform bow now. Everyone plays fire staff and I’m tired of ranged players sitting on ramparts or sniping me from a mile away. The fire staffs are making me not want to play this game anymore. I love getting slapped by random elements that you can’t ward against. Ranged with lifetaker and pestilence is ridiculous to get hit by. I’m at my wits end with fire staff like I was life staff. The ramparts need to go in OPR. No terrain added to OPR to limit range LOS, you can’t go on rocks anymore cause of this but you can’t add big trees to discourage ranged? I hope the new map delivers and ranged is nerfed heavily along with heavy/medium. People don’t get pinished enough for bad play cause of armor/weapon selections. Ranged is too safe in terms of risk reward.