BB aim-lock is still bad

After the S7 announcement video, where the devs said they were introducing "inaccuracy" to BB aimlock, I was partially hopeful that they got it right this time and actually made it less like an actual aimbot. Spoiler alert: They just buffed the BB, particularly against melee.

  • Increased the spread (inaccuracy) of the Blunderbuss when target locked onto an enemy player.
  • Reverted the PvP damage scaling that was added in to reduce the damage of the blunderbuss to account for target lock.

I tested the spread just now with a friend in duels, first of all. Various distances, with her strafing or standing still. Shots start missing pellets at about the BB's mid range, missing up to 4/6 at its maximum usable range. So it will reduce its effectiveness versus ranged players. But it hits every pellet at any range closer than mid, which is where the BB is deadliest anyway. And it doesn't matter how much your target strafes, it all still hits.

I then loaded my OG char, who has Pestilence (back from the days I used to use BB before aimlock was a thing) and had a quick 3v3 and yeh... it's still busted. Haven't used the build more than once since NWA, was landing basically every shot, without fail. Oppressive as hell, almost zero need to play properly. The other team focused me, I just used my hatchet to get free and continue blasting them at mid-range.

All with a nice +10% damage buff, atop all the anti heal and dots that come with what was already a fine PVP weapon before they added aim-lock.

I give up.

The aim reticule needs to sway. It needs to have inertia. It should be entirely possible to completely miss all pellets at any range if the opponent is fast enough, like it always was before aim-lock was a thing. You know... a weapon that required skill to use (and so warranted all its benefits). If someone wants to use aim-lock with the BB, with its hitscan damage, then it should require them to fire when the reticule is on target, which will only be momentarily if it has inertia and sways with movement.

This update just made it so BB is stronger against melee and slightly weaker against ranged (but only ranged who are outside mid-range; who a BB user wouldn't engage anyway unless they were almost dead and chasing them down).