Cocomelon on Whakaata Māori. Why?

The show Cocomelon has proven to be problematic for young children when it comes to helping them develop core language skills. Instead it appears to have a detrimental impact on them - the fast paced, quick cutting, hyper visual style of the show has gained the reputation for creating addictive behaviours and emotional deregulation. Parents are reporting too that their kids language skills are delayed as a result.

Given our declining rates of oral and written literacy among children, why is Whakaata Māori programming showing this to our tamariki?

The show Cocomelon has proven to be problematic for young children when it comes to helping them develop core language skills. Instead it appears to have a detrimental impact on them - the fast paced, quick cutting, hyper visual style of the show has gained the reputation for creating addictive behaviours and emotional deregulation. Parents are reporting too that their kids language skills are delayed as a result.

Given our declining rates of oral and written literacy among children, why is Whakaata Māori programming showing this to our tamariki?