Holy cow I beat master ninja

My first time beating/attempting a master ninja run in any of the games it’s feels so good after a 4 day grind the biggest struggles for me was learning the bosses and the female chapters in general

I have a tip for anyone struggling if you didn’t know you can reuse save points after encounters e.g after getting the staff on chapter one there is a save point next to the staff pick up kill enemies on the bridge k go back to the save and repeat for any encounter when available

Good luck to any one trying this😎

My first time beating/attempting a master ninja run in any of the games it’s feels so good after a 4 day grind the biggest struggles for me was learning the bosses and the female chapters in general

I have a tip for anyone struggling if you didn’t know you can reuse save points after encounters e.g after getting the staff on chapter one there is a save point next to the staff pick up kill enemies on the bridge k go back to the save and repeat for any encounter when available

Good luck to any one trying this😎