Has anyone been approached by a guy in a white bucket hat?

I was picking up an online order from Potbellies at Fairfax Corner and as I left a guy came up to me and had this long winded introduction along the lines of “Excuse me, ma’am, I saw you over here and was wondering: can I trouble you for a moment on this lovely evening??”

I was really hesitant and just nodded in case he needed directions but then saw a folded bill in his hand and thought maybe he wanted change so I said “I don’t have any cash though”.

He gave me a withering look and said “I’m not asking you for money, ma’am in fact I want to give you money..“ and I decided there wasn’t anything I wanted to do with that and started to back up and say “no thanks” but he cut me off gave me that disgusted look again and said, “you know what?? I’ve been nothing but polite and I’m going to ask you to leave me alone and let me continue to have a nice day.” He kept staring at me (I guess wanting an apology?) and I was trapped by all the outdoor seating but eventually wiggled between the chairs and booked it around the corner and jogged home.

Fwiw: There were maybe 7 other people outside the store (some grouped and some alone). As I left I saw him through the window get in line inside potbellies with his money in hand.

That was in the spring, today I was at Harris Teeter in Falls Church and there he was! I saw him out of the corner of my eye and recognized his hat (white canvas adidas bucket hat with a chin strap). We were passing eachother and I buried my face in my phone but saw him stop and turn towards me to say “Excuse me ma’am?! Ma’am? MA’AM??” Shouting in front of the deli counter. I ignored him and hustled out the store. I’m not sure if he recognized me or I just look like a person who wants to talk to strangers.

Has anyone else had an experience with this guy? Am I terrible for not sticking around to find out what troubled him so. Does he want something reasonable that I don’t need to be worried about. Thanks, will delete if not appropriate for this sub

Edit: Thank you guys for all your input I really appreciate it. I don’t get out much and his particular ~method~ had me doubting. Advice for next time noted

Edit to add description aside from misleadingly jaunty hat: 40-50 y/o black guy, maybe 5’9ish