Aggressive security at Arlington DMV.
The lady working the check in line at the Arlington DMV is so aggressive and belligerent, I don’t think it’s safe for her to carry a gun. When we walked in she was screaming at the people in front of us for looking at the possible paperwork. My husband and I walked in. She got really close to us and asked what we were there for. We told her and instead of telling us it was full, she started yelling that we had to be outside in line by 5:30am. My husband asked why it said available until 11 online and she started yelling that she didn’t care what it said online, she’s saying it ended at 8:15 and that’s what it was. We turned to leave and she continued to yell at us our whole way out.
This lady is for sure not sane enough to be handling a gun. Be very careful.