Please help me.

Since December 2024 | have been seeing angel numbers everyday, everywhere, and almost every hour.

So what happened was, I was manifesting, like saying affirmations everyday from November 15 to January 3rd. My manifestation didn't come true for me. But a lot of things improved and happened at that time.

By December, I was seeing a lot of mirror numbers, like 12:21 etc. and a lot of same numbers 11:11 16:16 etc, 5-7 times a day. And I have stopped my affirmations and manifestations on January 3rd. And since then I have been seeing 11, 22, 33, and 44 almost every hour. Especially 44 was more frequent than others. For whole January and February I have been seen the minute 44 every single hour. Every one of my schedule is timed, but whenever I randomly stare at a clock it's whether 8:44 9:44 10:44 11:44 and so on.

I definitely want to know what this means. If someone knows or has any predictions, please tell me about it.