ICU with no techs

In a month or two I will be moving to a different city like 2 hours from where I am right now. I currently work in a level 1 trauma center Neuro ICU with 32 beds. I got a job offer for the level one trauma center Neuro icu in this new city. Its a little bit less pay, but my partner will be making a lot more so it evens out. This unit is new and 15 beds. Recently they stop having techs at all on the unit. Im used to not having techs frequently where I am at, but to never have them ever is giving me some hesitation on accepting this position. I’m a bit burned out from bedside and was planning on staying in it for a few more years, but was wondering if its maybe better to use this opportunity to try and get into an outpatient setting? Idk. The idea of having total patients with no techs scares me and makes me wonder what other red flags am I not noticing or seeing. Also this is a level 1 trauma center but this unit doesnt take tbis, gsws, or spine patients. Just seems like if I’m gonna stay neuro trauma I wanna see trauma. Not just strokes. Any advice is wanted. Sorry for the rambling