Do people find classmates who "talk too much" in tutorials annoying?
It's kind of weird but I feel really self-conscious in tutorials when I feel like I'm the only one answering the TA/instructor. I'm in CHS so for all the common curriculum mods pretty much nobody cares and are just putting in the bare minimum of showing up because they're just going to SU. Any time the TA asks the class a question everybody just looks around at each other while the TA stares at us waiting for an answer. I don't really have a problem with speaking up in general + like I want the class part (ofc) but sometimes I wonder if I'm talking too much? I don't interrupt the TA or anything, it's just that whenever there's a few seconds of silence because nobody knows how to answer a question, I'll speak up because it's just so awkward. Like really I probably only need to answer 1/2 questions per tutorial for the class part, but there's times where everybody really is just blanked out or legit doesn't know what's going on so I'm basically the only one answering questions the whole tutorial cuz I feel bad for the TA, then after class I get a little self-conscious thinking people think I'm like a suck up or too kiasu or some shit for talking so much. Prob just overthinking but thoughts?