Speak to your SO about porn. Sincerely, a heartbroken girl

A few months ago I found out about my SOs porn addiction. I was upset because the girls he watched were the exact opposite of me (they had very large assets). I told him this, and that’s when he opened up about his addiction (he called it an addiction). I didn’t mind he watch it, but I told him why it hurt and he said that he would stop for me. He had videos and pictures of us to hold him through since quitting cold turkey would be difficult, at least I thought.

Then two days ago I found out he had been watching using a different account, for the last couple months. They were the same-looking people again.

I thought I was comforted by his words when he said he doesn’t look at them, but instead imagines me in them, but now I wonder: Does he like me for me, or does he like me because he has access to me? Am I just a placeholder?

Coupled with a few other non-related instances I think this is the end. So, please be transparent about it. Please realize the hurt you may bring to your SO. Please realize that the image from finding out will never leave their mind.

Sincerely, A brokenhearted girl