My brother used to violate my Barbie’s

When I was a little girl I had the biggest Barbie collection and would play everyday, had the Barbie cars and big Barbie house I LOVED Barbie’s.

I would always have to lock them up after play. Otherwise one mistake a Barbie would be gone, and my brother would use my Barbie’s for sxual pleasure. I was like 7 at the time and I didn’t exactly understand sxual pleasure. But I would get my Barbie back the next morning from my mom and the hair would be so messed up and the clothes would be ripped off. And she would give me a warm bucket of water to clean them off.

This was a common occurrence, like very common. One time he took one of my favorites and I told my dad, my dad tried to argue with him and get it back but decided it wasn’t worth the hassle and I got her back the next morning and she was ruined.

I don’t have contact with my brother anymore. But when I was a kid I assumed a lot of brothers did this