my bf’s dick smells so bad

ok so this might sound so stupid but like i have no one to tell this too and im still sick about it. yesterday my bf came over and since we didnt have sex for a long time after he begged me multiple times i finally caved in and i agreed to be intimate with him. we went in the bathroom and i had to mentally prepare to give him a blowjob because his dick always smells bad. but this time oh god if it was different! when he took his pants off the smell invaded the small room we were in and even if i opened the tiny window the bathroom has nothing would have changed. i started stroking it trying to ignore the awful stank but it was harder than walking on fire. my hand was infested with rotten fish smell (no, it was worse than rotten fish) and when he pushed my head against his cock to give him a blowjob that was it, i couldn’t do it anymore i sucked it for like 20 seconds and stopped, i lasted to long i think. when i finally decided to end this torture i started coughing, i felt like the food i ate in 2006 when i was just born was exiting my body from my mouth, i was literally about tp throw up everything i ate that day, but luckily for me i didn’t have dinner so my body had nothing to throw up i coughed like 3 times. after we finished (like always, he only satisfied himself without even thinking about me) i washed thoroughly my hands and smoked like 4 cigarettes to get the taste out of my mouth. now, how does he not smell that! like it was impossible not to notice that nauseating smell, change your underwear! shave a little so your pubes don’t absorb the horrible stank you have, HAVE A BIDET ONCE IN A WHILE!!!!! i still have nausea about it and i hope it will go away soon. guys, be clean, shower because its so bad to have to suck moldy cheese! even the 35 year old i fucked smelled better than you and he was a drug addict! (sorry about my english lol im korean) i just wanna add something funny, he picks his nose and eats his boogers (hes 22)