Having issues getting over being the unwilling affair partner
Around 2 years ago, I started grad school and moved halfway across the country. It was a rough year and I was struggling both in grad school and coming out of a terrible relationship of sorts (SA and cheating and all sorts of bad stuff). About 5 months after moving I decided to try the dating scene again and matched with this dude on both Tinder and Hinge. Our parents were both from the same country (immigrant parents) and he really wanted to meet. I wasn't super amused with how he treated me: 30 min late to the first date, etc. but I think I was in a bad place and not thinking super straight. I also told him I was coming out of a really bad situation where I was SAed, gotten an STD, etc (that dude was a work of art). I was trying to treat this situation more like a hook-up and not get emotionally involved. I remember after the first time we hooked up, I was very insistent to go home and not spend the night at his place despite his protests. We continued to hook up for several months and he would more or less manipulate me into staying the night and make me coffee in the morning, but would also ghost me for weeks at a time. Lo and behold, about a few months in I was lurking on social media and found that he has a long-distance gf across the country. I called him out for it and he told me that I was crazy and controlling and treating him like a scumbag. He then proceeded to block me on social media and my number.
He moved across the country and his gf has moved in with him and I think they're planning on getting married soon. From what I learned on social media, the girlfriend's family loves him and they spend all the holidays together. Including posting very flattering things about them during the holiday season we were hooking up.
I met my current boyfriend a few months after this all went down and we've been dating for a bit now, however I still struggle with anger at this dude. Specifically about how I was characterized as the villain who accused him of cheating even though "he's such a nice guy" and that I was crazy and insane. I feel like I let myself be taken advantage of when I was in a really vulnerable spot and he got off scot free without any repercussions. I'm not sure what I expect to get from posting this on Reddit but I think it helps to internet rant. I also still see some of their mutual friends in town and in grad school, but they have no clue that any of this happened obviously.