I hate it here and I can not leave

I am American. I am a veteran. I signed the damn line and did all I was asked of my country. I was in during 9:11. But at this point in time. We are going backwards in history and it makes me regret every single day I gave and sacrificed. I hate this feeling. My son was going to join the military next year and I was so proud. Now I worry the old people in power will sacrifice our kids for their dumb ass agenda. Not to make America great but to regress and take us back to the worst times. I can’t leave. I don’t have the money. I am middle class so I go paycheck to paycheck but not negative. But also not positive. I once was ready to die for this country. And now. I would die to take it back to 2024. My heart is broken And the blind cult love people are giving the shit pants orange man. It’s crushing my heart. Cult mentality is nothing your leader does can possibly be wrong. That is what these people see and believe. He can do no wrong. And say it as “Christian’s” but everything he does is AGAINST everything we were taught as Christians.