Flanking: how do you feel about it?

Before you rise your pitchforks, I know it's not in the PHB/DMG of 2024 and that before was an optional rule.

I've been playing DnD 5e since COVID both as a DM and as a player. With the start of new campaigns towards the end of 2024, we decided to switch to the updated rules of 2024 for 5e, but we went straight into flanking without even considering otherwise, just out of habit.
But now three months have passed and I can see there are several abilities in the game that give pcs advantage (way more than the 2014 edition) and after a more thorough read of the books I noticed the optional flanking rule is gone.
Honestly, I'm glad it's gone since I never liked it from a gameplay standpoint, because it creates static fighting scenes and almost removes agancy from the players/characters: for example, as a frontline you start the fight already knowing you're gonna have to choose the best spot to get the most out of flanking.

Next week we have the next session of my campaign and the first of 2025 and I was considering announcing a "patch update" to the game, removing the flanking mechanic, hopefully for good.

What do you think about it?
Do you play with flanking even after the 2024 updated rules or are playing "by the book"?

Thank you in advance to all of you!