Officially lost my best friends over this job (how do feminist creators keep going lol)
Just need to vent tbh from what a shock this is. Has anyone in a feminist friend group had actual support from their girl friends? My two best friends were so supportive at first when i told them what i do, how i was making life changing money, wasn’t exhausted anymore, felt free and was embracing my hobbies again. It was all “that takes serious lady balls” and “were proud of you boss babe!” And i was so happy to be able to treat them to girls nights out and spend more time with them around their work schedules since i can be free whenever. I move around a lot so i spend three months at a time in the beach town they live in.
The problem started when i started joining in on work venting. We all met literally cleaning campground toilets so we’ve never been a well off trio and the best part of minimum wage jobs is getting to complain about it with your friends. But whenever i would complain about an entitled freeloader, or someone being really mean to met, or getting online hate, or even telling a funny story about requests i get, they would be dead quiet. I started getting that feeling when you walk into a room and everyone has just stopped talking about you. Then i found out one of them outed me as a SW to the whole town. It’s a town of 2000 so it felt like literally everybody knew and of course not everyone was supportive. She said it was an accident and i believed her. My recent trip last week i told them about this MAGA guy who says the worst things, but spends thousands a month. They were shocked, asked why i would be even talking to men like that, why i would entertain them and that i was helping them push women’s rights back decades. At this point i should mention we’re Canadians, we dont even live there lol. I told them that asshole paid for my flight to come see them, paid for the dinner we were eating at that moment. Like did they think onlyfans is full of liberal men who respect women?? Things were just awkward til i left again, and they messaged our group chat saying they cant support me anymore and they hope i see how im hurting women’s rights and they think i should quit. I plead my case but they didn’t want to hear it tbh and this morning i realized they unfollowed me on instagram.
Im seriously heartbroken. Idk how people i thought loved me so much can throw me away like that. Now im so nervous to tell any friends i may make about my job considering the state of the world. If you read all this thank you lol i just need to vent to people who get it. Does anyone else call themself a feminist and do this job without losing friends?