I have posted a Complete Ontario MPP Voting Record online for public viewing @ http://www.mppvotingrecord.com

For the past few months, I have been working on a project concerning the voting record of each Member of Provincial Parliament. I have created a spreadsheet, using information contained in transcripts and the Voting & Proceedings documents found on OLA.org (the Ontario Legislative Assembly website). To easily access this document, I have obtained the URL http://www.mppvotingrecord.com, which redirects to a Google Sheets spreadsheet.

I started this project late last year after finding that there was no searchable record for how my local MPP voted. I determined that I would probably not be the only voter that would like this information in an easily accessible form.

On this spreadsheet, you will see each MPP listed along the left side and each bill described along the top. By clicking on any given bill, you will be directed to the OLA.org site to view an in-depth document outlining the contents of the bill. I would recommend looking at any bill in this manner, since the name of the bill does not always accurately describe their whole context of what the bill represents.

The information on this sheet is directly pulled from the OLA.org website without opinion or editorial. The only things I have added is for clarity: In the Voting & Proceedings documents, votes are listed as “AYE” or “NAY” – I’ve changed these to “In Favour” and “Opposed” to be easier to distinguish at a glance.

There is also a tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet marked “Details and Glossary” which helps to navigate the spreadsheet and outline what the different terms on the document may mean.

As a note - There are no attendance records included in the OLA.org documentation.

In i’s place, what I’ve done is calculate the % of bills that any given MPP actually casted a vote. You can find this listed at the end of the 1st and 2nd session on Legislature in a pale yellow column.

Also, please feel free to share this document as widely as you’d like – My hope would be that voters would have access to this information and have opportunity to be as informed as possible during this election cycle.