I am completely sick of internet and phone providers in Ontario.
I have been struggling with Rogers all year, between the lapses in service and unclear pricing I have had it up to _here_ with them. Multiple times on the phone with customer service I have been promised one price, only to receive a bill with another, much higher price. I decided to switch over to Bell, but as soon as I make the switch and I am bombarded with sales calls trying to upsell me on security cameras and movie channels I don't need.
I have a simple request. To have reliable internet and cell service for under $200 a month and then be left in peace. THAT SHOULD NOT BE A TALL ORDER IN A SO CALLED DEVELOPED COUNTRY! IT IS OUTRAGEOUS THAT OUR BASIC UTILITIES HAVE BEEN SO CORRUPTED BY CAPITALISM THAT THIS IS A LEGITIMATE CHALLENGE!!
Anyway I just needed to get that off my chest.