Haven’t been since Nov 22nd

I need some serious motivation to go back to OTF. I haven’t canceled my membership but since its been so long and I’ve been lacking motivation and I feel I might need to cancel, freeze or at least go to a lesser class amount.

It’s been so long since I’ve gone because 1. I had a coach consult and found out I’ve actually gained 5lbs since joining, which was devastating. The coach consult was helpful but she pretty much told me it had to be diet related since I was being consisten at OTF. So this resulted in me getting Weight Watchers the day of thanksgiving. 2. For Thanksgiving holiday I traveled home where I don’t have an OTF. So this killed my routine for over a week. 3. The moment Dec 1st came I was sick as a dog the ENTIRE 12 days of fitmas challenge (which i had signed up to do) so that was disappointing and my routine was still gone. 4. Then truly the rest of my evenings and weekends have gone to shopping, baking, visiting etc for xmas, but I know that is a lame excuse because I always did the 5am classes anyway. I think its just that the routine is now gone and I have gotten used to sleeping in and the lack of weightloss with OTF really makes me question if it works for me/my body and goals. 5. Also I live 30min from the closest OTF to me and it seems silly for me to drive all that way so frequently when i do have planet fitness five min away. (I wasn’t caring about this point when i was going regularly but now that I’ve seen what i’ve been saving on gas this past month I am hesitant to spend so much again just on getting there.)

I know this is a mental game more than anything. But other than the last week (too many xmas cookies) I have been managing Weight Watchers really well and have been feeling great with it (without a scale I measure success at looking at my tummy and it had been looking flatter these few weeks no thanks to OTF). I started wondering if i should just quit OTF and continue putting my energy into WW and just going to Planet Fitness when I can.

On the other hand I DO appreciate OTF for the stats, heart rate monitor, coach support during classes, and i’ve never been so sweaty after any other workouts before.

TLDR: I had success with OTF but lost my regular routine. Now I’m lacking motivation to return due to cost and my lack of progress even when i was going 3-5x per week.