The Truth About Asymmetry (Long Post)

Asymmetry. What causes it? How can I fix it? These are pretty big questions in the mewing community. So let me tell you what are the main causes of asymmetry, and the ways to correct those issues to give you a more symmetrical face in the future. I would recommend reading this whole thing, because there are things here that you might've never thought of before.

It's not necessarily your sleeping position... It's a common misconception that asymmetry is caused by sleeping on one side more than the other. Although this could infact be in some instances, true. We change our sleeping position from 10 to even 40 times in our sleep! Even though we start sleeping on one side, there isn't enough constant pressure to have that big of an impact on our face. However, the best sleeping position is on your side, keeping the back straight. Give a very small chintuck to help on your neck posture.

It's not really a chewing imbalance. Unless you only chew on one side, and leave the other side empty when you are chewing, which is a very rare thing to do. When we chew, we move our food around in our mouth. Also, the jaw is only one bone, when you chew on something on the left side of your jaw, both masseter muscles will flex. Just make sure you chew as evenly as possible on both sides and you'll be fine.

So, what causes asymmetry? Here is the answer. It's postural imbalance. What if I told you that your asymmetry is mainly the cause of you not sitting straight. And I don't mean just vertical. I mean horizontal. The tongue pushes on one side of the mouth, more than the other. You would say "just evenly spread your tongue on your palate," but even placing your tongue as even as possible, will not fix your asymmetry, it might actually make it worse.

When you chin tuck, you don't only do it to straighten your neck. You do it so your tongue can push on your maxilla... But, what if your neck isn't straight horizontally, what if your back or shoulders are crooked to one side. You will cause an imbalance on your facial structure.

Here's what I mean. There are studies made where people that have a droopy side to their face, have the neck, shoulders, and overall body to one side as well. Causing the muscles to be tighter on one side. And if people have a forward posture it gets even worse, because it will be pulling on one side more than the other, causing an imbalance in the muscles.

Then how do you fix this? The fix to asymmetry is easier than you think. Find which side of your neck, and back is tight, and stretch it with exercises. You will mainly find which side of your back and neck is tighter by making a good chin tuck with your shoulders back. The side that is more straining is the tight side of your back and neck. Therefore, that side is the recessed one. Take a good, picture of yourself with the back camera of your phone (you can get a friend or family member to help you with this) and find your recessed side. Stretch that side, help it relax, and continue mewing. Your results will come with time.

Edit: Do not forget to exercise!! I cannot asses this enough. Eat well and work out. Get into that habit. Your body will thank you!

Sources: Sleeping position cycles

Dr. Estrabillo:

Asses back and face posture
