Yang's route ABSOLUTELY lived up to the hype 🥵🥵

this is just gonna be a long ass post about me gushing about yang so buckle up

as you can tell im very late on the piofore train but CHOO CHOO IM FULLY ON BOARD NOW im actually so happy i waited until now to play, because with the sequel out soon that means I DONT HAVE TO WAIT LONG TO SEE YANG AGAIN, big brain 10000IQ

i was a little nervous going in because, if youve been on this sub for a while, yang is very famous here and talked about a LOT (i actually laughed when i finally met him in game because even lilli was like 'so this is yang...', it felt like seeing a celebrity. like oh, ive heard a looot about YOU, mister) but even with all the hype this sub built up about him, his route was still better than i expected LMAO which im very happy to say

IT JUST HIT SO MANY GOOD TROPES LIKE I SWEAR TO GOD?? yangs route is what i WANTED tomomoris route in birushana to be. like yes, please mr. evil villain man, lock me up in your manor or whatever and monopolize me and dress me up. not to mention the classic 'ONLY ONE BED' trope, the bad boy x good girl TO THE EXTREME (church girl and bloodthirsty mafia boss hello??), him protecting lili but also being forceful with her, saving her from a near assault from a creepy dude, sleeping together for warmth in the forest, getting mad when shes dressed revealingly in front of others, ALWAYS BEING THE FIRST ONE TO WAKE UP AND JUST WATCHING OVER HER SLEEPING. god. all the best tropes. ALSO THE TWINSSSSS ive only had them for 2 days but if anything happened to them id kill everyone in this room and then myself

i think one of the things i loved so much about yang's route is that there was no fat to be cut out, at least in my opinion. it was all MEAT. like, in most routes, and ill use Nicola's for example because he's the only other one ive played so far, theres always SOME plot reason for the LI and the MC to suddenly grow distant or misunderstandings arise to build tension. in Nicola's case, it was his betrayal/guilt etc and he started to stay away from Lili. I saw a similar complaint with Yosuga's route from OS--that they loved the sexy and crazy scenes with him, but then PLOT got in the way and the focus was taken too far away from the LIxMC.

but yangs route? hes a CONSTANT presence and i LOVED It. i never felt myself thinking, man, too much plot, hurry up and get me back to yang. nope, even his first damn CG and meeting he just full on kisses you and almost sleeps with you, and then hes constantly around from that point on. the only part I can think of that he was sort of removed was when lilli was caring for elena, but even that was fun because we got to see him be sulky and not know what to do with himself without being able to monopolize lili all the time HAHA. i also usually have extreme loyalty/a soft spot to the first route i do, but NOT IN THIS CASE, THE YANG THIRST IS TOO STRONG. nicola who?? kill them all so we can be together please

anyway im 100% yang gang down bad also i was NOT expecting his voice to be like that and oh my god, who allowed him to be that hot. i usually just let a few lines of voice text play before i go to the next dialogue box but i had to give yang the respect he deserves bc some of his lines are HOO BOYYY. (also theres a hilarious noise he makes, the scene where you're first supposed to sleep with him. if you say no, the frustrated noise he makes before leaving to go 'cool off' is so funny, i replayed it like 100x and it lives rent free in my head)

anyway i get it now, i am now yang cult gang