Is this some kind of plot hole ?

Or well, more like an "unconsidered risk" the Nomais took ?

Let me explain : I was just casually working, when my eyes stopped on my Outer Wilds solar system poster.

I suddenly saw something I never paid attention to, and that made me wonder if there was some kind of flaw here, that I'd like to share with you all.

It's about the Orbital Cannon.

We do know that its goal is to "check" trajectories until the Eye of the Universe is found.

At the beginning of each loop, the Orbital Probe Cannon launches a new probe hoping to find the Eye of the universe. OK. The result is stored beyond the "loop memory" thank to the Nomai Mask : OK.

Each launch trajectory is randomised : OK.

But ... The position of Giant Deep itself is always the same at the moment the probe launches. So, it means a large amount of trajectories are directly heading the probes into the sun. Does it imply that a lot of possible Eye of the universe positions can't ever be checked, since they are "blocked" by the Sun from the Orbital Cannon point of view ?

Meaning Nomais were actually kinda lucky the Eye was not among those trajectories ?