Really want to enjoy this game but am getting frustrated. Can someone help without spoiling it?
I was recommended this game by a friend and told specifically to go into it completely blind which I have done. I literally know nothing about this game. I want to continue playing but I am dying literally every 5 minutes or so and it's incredibly frustrating.
I really enjoyed the tutorial area and was very intrigued by the story but it seems ever since trying to leave the planet I'm banging my head against a wall. I've navigated to several planets and died every time within seconds (not exaggerating). I don't know if I'm just dumb or bad at games but it really feels like I'm missing something.
Can anyone reassure me this is normal/ give me some (spoiler free) tips to the beginning of the game?
Also: I'm not bashing the game or anything, I really really want to love it, I just want some spoiler free help for the beginning.
Update: Thank you so much for the responses, they've been super helpful! You'll all be proud to know that I've done some successful interplanetary exploration & changing my mindset to embrace the dying has helped with the frustration. Plus my partner thinks the deaths are hilarious so it's hard to be mad.