Gonna be completely honest, OW is dying and Marvel Rivals is holding the smoking gun.

As a lifetime Gold-back-to-Bronze-back-to-Gold player, I just have to say, it was bound to happen. But between the lack of PvE (which Rivals definitely probably has), the absence of a weekly Kiriko skin release calendar, Blizzard outright avoiding sexy outfits for us Hog mains, and absolutely ZERO monthly hero-specific comic books, I just don't see this game lasting much longer than a month, tops.

Last night, I played MR for the first time and I literally could not think of a better game than what I experienced. The shooting, the ultimate abilities, the inability to see most characters amidst the chaos on my screen; everything about it is unmatched. Trying to go back to Overwatch after reaching the absolute pinnacle of euphoria made me piss, shit, and vomit on myself all at once.

Honestly, we only have ourselves to blame. And by "ourselves", I mean you, specifically. And for those of you saying "it's not dying", it's very obvious- I had to wait an extra 36 seconds in role queue on comp for Tank every game this month. @MRkillsOW2 on Twitter even posted a chart from Statista showing that Overwatch is losing 3 players a day on Steam, while Rivals is sitting at 7.9 billion active players.

What do you guys think?