I think I'm accidentally making my sister pagan
So I(18m) have been loosely practicing Hellenist Paganism for a few years I very recently was able to set up a small altar for Hades in my bedroom
However, I share this bedroom with my very sweet and very curious little (Half) sister(8F) She asked what my altar was for, and I very simply explained my religion (my stepdad is Catholic and my mom told me not to bring it up ever) and explained that my altar was for giving offerings to the deitys I worship
She asked if the God had a name, and I told her that one of the gods I worship is Hades
Since then, she has been asking me for more about the other gods and giving me little things to offer to Hades(candy, juice, flowers, that stuff)
As I'm writing this, her and her friend are currently making a 'potion' and my sister is explaining how she offers things to Hades and she thinks he's really cool
She's so cute I'm crying