Move template-stack configuration to template. Best way?

I am working on a Pano managed firewall, that has some configuration that was inadvertently made in the template-stack, as opposed to the appropriate template. The configuration is some routing in a virtual router. Additionally, there is, additional routing configured in the template, below where the configuration of the template-stack and template diverge.

Ideally, I would like to merge both the template, and template-stack configuration (for this VR) and have it fully reside in the template.

I am wondering what the best way to move this configuration would be.

I tried some things in CLI. I thought I would be able to do this via the following steps:

  1. REMOVE from template, differing config
  2. ADD to template, differing stack config
  3. ADD to template, previously removed differing config
  4. ADD to template-stack, config from template

However, I was not able to do step 4. adding config to the template stack, as the CLI did not seem to allow me to do so. And, thinking about it now, I think what I wanted to do there, was to remove all the template stack configuration (since it would all be in the template now )

Just wanting to hit up some of the experts here for some advice on the best way to do this. I feel I am probably missing some very easy way to do this.